Pixel Savvy provides Internet-based technology services to enable businesses and organizations to expand their reach and communicate more effectively.
Content Management Systems are web applications that are designed to allow businesses of all sizes to simplify the processes of updating and maintaining a competitive website. Pixel Savvy offers web-based content editing software that can be tailored to your companies' specific needs and requirements.
A CMS allows non-technical users to manage all aspects of a website or group of websites. The CMS interface is designed to be very simple and requires very little training or previous technical knowledge to get started. This is a unique solution offering easy-to-use authoring and publishing tools for an entire organization from web developers to business users
Database driven websites, also referred to as “Dynamic websites”, allow online businesses to operate more efficiently, thus saving countless hours, effort, and money. Online stores, web portals, online catalogues or blogs are all types of websites that would normally be database driven.
About Pixel Savvy Pixel Savvy in an independent web design and development firm based in western Canada. We specialize in building simple, elegant and intuitive websites for businesses and organizations of all kinds. If you have a need to build an online presence or are not satisfied with your current website, we can help you. Learn More »